Control Panel Manuals (3)
Control Panel Manuals
Email Related (2)
Email Related
Internet Access (6)
Internet Access
Web Hosting (4)
Web Hosting
ADSL - What is Shaped and Unshaped
Shaping refers to how the flow of information between your computer and the servers on the...
Alternative Dial-up Numbers for SAIX network
Main National Acccess: 0860 007249 (local call rates) Alternative POP NumbersNewdoornfontein...
How to add a mime type
ResolutionFLV (Flash Video) is a file format used to deliver video over the Internet to the...
How do I login to my Web Mail?
SummaryYou are unsure of how to login to your web mail. Resolution Please type the following...
How do I know if my area support ADSL
You can use the following link to verify if your exchange supports...

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